On 23rd February we had the pleasure of meeting local author Zoe Folbigg. She published The Note last year and her current book has just gone to publication. Zoe delivered a talk to some Year 7 students on how to be an author and write successfully, and students from Ickleford Primary, Wislhere Dacre and William Ransom also attended.
Zoe told us about the history of her writing and how she became an author, explaining where the inspiration for her ideas came from. She taught us how to overcome fears of being judged as a writer and how to develop resilience and perseverance, even when people don’t want to publish your work!
Zoe gave us ideas about how to write our own novel and then we spent some time writing the opening to our novel. It was great as throughout the session she continued to give us advice about how to write a good novel. This was a massive help to us as it could help us determine our future careers.
Many thanks to Zoe for coming to see us and for helping us to have a really fun and enjoyable morning. The work that was produced by all students is going to be put into a special book in the library, so everyone can read it!
Article by Year 7 Students