Dear Parent / Carer
This is just a quick update ahead of the long weekend.
We are looking forward to welcoming our 6th Form back on Tuesday 24th November after their ‘circuit break’. The
feedback I have had from parents and staff has been extremely positive regarding their online learning. This has also
been reflected in the feedback we have had in regards to Year 11 whose engagement has been first class.
COVID Update
Yesterday we had our first positive case in Year 7 resulting in three form groups being sent home. We also sent home
two Year 8 form groups as a member of staff had tested positive. As it currently stands, there have been no Year 8
students who have tested positive for COVID. All students sent home to self-isolate will be expected to engage in
online learning during that time.
As a school we aim to keep you informed as much as possible with what is relevant. My previous communications
with you can be found on the school website. Good communication with stakeholders is about instilling trust and
strengthening relationships. It does become frustrating when you discover an article produced by our local paper
The Comet where the writer has cherry-picked extracts from my letters to make up a disjointed story. In a time of
heightened anxiety there must surely be a moral and professional duty to ensure that what is published is reported
in context.
Thank you for your continued support.
Take care,
Geraint Edwards